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Heart attack ke symptom

RFT Test, किडनी की जांच

Importance of KFT:kidney function test

The kidneys, two bean-shaped organs located in the abdomen, perform vital functions such as filtering waste products from the blood, regulating fluid and electrolyte balance, and producing hormones essential for red blood cell production. Any impairment in renal function can lead to severe health complications. KFT, including the RFT, helps identify abnormalities in kidney function, allowing for early detection and timely intervention.

The Role of RFT in KFT:

Renal Function Test (RFT) is a fundamental part of KFT that examines various parameters to evaluate kidney function accurately. It involves analyzing blood and urine samples to measure specific markers indicative of renal health. The RFT encompasses several key parameters, including serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and urine analysis.

Serum Creatinine: 

Serum creatinine is a waste product generated by muscle metabolism and eliminated by the kidneys. Elevated levels of serum creatinine in the blood may indicate impaired kidney function, as the kidneys struggle to filter and excrete this waste product effectively. Monitoring serum creatinine levels helps diagnose conditions like acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and renal insufficiency.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of nitrogen in the blood derived from the breakdown of proteins. An elevated BUN level signifies reduced kidney function, as the kidneys are responsible for filtering and excreting urea. Elevated BUN levels may be indicative of dehydration, kidney disease, or certain medications.

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR):

 The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) assesses the kidney's ability to filter waste products from the blood. It is calculated using various factors, including serum creatinine levels, age, sex, and race. A reduced eGFR indicates impaired kidney function and is used to stage chronic kidney disease.

Urine Analysis: 

Urine analysis is an essential component of the RFT as it provides valuable information about kidney function and overall health. It involves examining various parameters such as urine volume, color, pH, specific gravity, presence of protein, glucose, blood cells, and crystals. Abnormal findings in urine analysis can aid in diagnosing conditions like urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and kidney damage.

 The value of KFT in Healthcare:

KFT, with the inclusion of RFT, plays a crucial role in healthcare for several reasons:

Early Detection and Monitoring: Regular KFT, including RFT, enables the early detection of kidney dysfunction, allowing healthcare professionals to intervene promptly and implement appropriate treatment strategies. Timely intervention can help prevent further kidney damage and improve patient outcomes.

Assessment of Treatment Efficacy: KFT, including RFT, is also valuable in assessing the effectiveness of various treatment modalities for kidney-related conditions. By monitoring kidney function over time, healthcare professionals can determine the impact of medications, lifestyle modifications, or interventions on renal health.

Preoperative Evaluation: KFT, including RFT, is often performed as part of preoperative evaluations to assess the kidney's ability to handle the stress of surgery and the clearance of anesthetic agents and other medications. This helps in determining the suitability of the patient for the intended procedure and minimizing postoperative complications.

Monitoring Chronic Kidney Disease:

 For patients with chronic kidney disease, regular KFT with RFT aids in disease management. It allows healthcare professionals to monitor the progression of the disease, adjust treatment plans accordingly, and provide necessary interventions to slow down or mitigate further damage.


the Kidney Function Test (KFT), with the Renal Function Test (RFT) as a key component, holds significant importance in healthcare. By assessing various parameters related to kidney function, KFT aids in early detection, monitoring, and management of kidney-related conditions. Its role in preoperative evaluations and chronic kidney disease management further underlines its significance. By appreciating the value of KFT, healthcare professionals can utilize this diagnostic tool to enhance patient care, promote early intervention, and improve overall outcomes.

Here are the normal values for KFT TEST:

Urea: The normal range for urea in the blood is typically between 10-45 mg/dL 

Creatinine: For adults, the normal range for creatinine in the blood is generally between 0.6 and 1.4 mg/dL (53-106 µmol/L) for males and between 0.5 and 1.1 mg/dL (44-97 µmol/L) for females. 

Uric Acid: The normal range for uric acid in the blood is typically between 3.5 and 7.2 mg/dL (208-428 µmol/L) for males 

 2.6 and 6.0 mg/dL (154-357 µmol/L) for females. 

Calcium: The normal range for calcium in the blood is generally between 8.5- 11.0mg/dL (2.12-2.62 mmol/L).

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR):

 The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a calculated value that estimates the kidney's filtration function. The normal range for eGFR is typically above 90 mL/min/1.73m². A value below 60 mL/min/1.73m² for three months or longer may indicate kidney disease.

Sodium (Na+): The normal range for sodium (Na+) in the blood is generally between 135 -145 mEq/L (135-145 mmol/L).

Potassium (K+): The normal range for potassium (K+) in the blood is usually between 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L (3.5-5.0 mmol/L).

It's important to note that these reference ranges may vary slightly depending on the specific laboratory and the units of measurement used. 

जानते हैं हिंदी में 

किडनी फंक्शन टेस्ट 1.Renal function test in hindi, किडनी टेस्ट कितने में होता है कहां होता है

आरएफटी टेस्ट किडनी के कार्य की जानकारी के लिए किया जाने वाला एक ब्लड टेस्ट है जिसमें ब्लड टेस्ट के एक समूह को किडनी के कुछ टेस्टों के समूह को आरएफटी या केएफटी का जाता है जो एक रेनेल फंक्शन टेस्ट है इसके अंदर कौन-कौन से टेस्ट शामिल हैं यह पैथोलॉजी के ऊपर डिपेंड करता है किडनी एक जोड़ी या दो होती हैं यह हमारी रीढ़ की हड्डी के पास पेट के पीछे तरफ काजू के आकार की होती हैं यह हमारे शरीर से जो रक्त में अपशिष्ट पदार्थ होते हैं उनको मूत्र के माध्यम से बाहर कर देते हैं किडनी गुर्दे में बहुत महीने फिल्टर होती है जो कि रक्त और उसमें मिले अपशिष्ट पदार्थों को अलग अलग करती है आरएफटी टेस्ट की रिपोर्ट 1 दिन में मिल जाती है इसके बाद आप अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करके मेडिसिन ले सकते हैं

2.RFT full form

     Renel function test 

    KFT - Kidney function test

    आरएफटी में कितने टेस्ट होते हैं  पैथोलॉजी लैब पर डिपेंड होता है या डॉक्टर को कौन-कौन से पैरामीटर इस टेस्ट में देखना है उसके अनुसार ही टेस्ट होते हैं नॉर्मल इस प्रोफाइल मे टेस्ट होते हैं उनमें से कुछ यहां पर दर्शाए गए हैं ब्लड यूरिया ब्लड यूरिया नाइट्रोजन सीरम क्रिएटिनिन यूरिक एसिड सोडियम पोटेशियम क्लोराइड कैल्शियम बाइकार्बोनेट आदि 

    3.Urine sample for kidney test in hindi

    यूरिन के माध्यम से किए जाने वाले किडनी के टेस्ट कीटोन एल्बुमिन प्रोटीन पीएच बाइल साल्ट बाइल पिगमेंट यूरिन कलर माइक्रोएल्बुमिन क्रिस्टल इत्यादि

    4.RFT test price  आरएफटी टेस्ट की कीमत

    RFT test price ₹400 -750
    आरएफटी टेस्ट की कीमत उस में होने वाले टेस्ट, टेस्ट प्रोफाइल और लैब के ऊपर निर्भर करता है

    5.आरएफटी टेस्ट की नार्मल रेंज

    रिनल प्रोफाइल में होने वाले टेस्ट व उनकी normal range

    Blood urea                  10 - 45 mg/dl

    Serum creatinine       0.6 - 1.4 mg/dl male
                                           0.5 -1. 1 mg/dl female

    Blood urea nitrogen  7 -20 mg/dl

    Sodium                         135 - 145 mEq/L

    Potassium                    3.0 - 5.0 mEa/L

    eGFR                             >60


    6.मुख्य कारण किडनी डैमेज के  👈

    1.फिजिकल इंजरी चोट लगना संक्रमण 2  हाई ब्लड प्रेशर 3.डायबिटीज 4 किडनी स्टोन 5.इंजेक्शन संक्रमण

    7. आरएफटी (RFT) टेस्ट कब कराते हैं

    आरएफटी टेस्ट कराने के लिए पहले आप अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें ! वह कुछ फिजिकल चेकअप करेंगे उनको लगता है कोई लक्षण जैसे कि शुगर ,हाई ब्लड प्रेशर ,पेशाब रुक रुक के आना, पैरों में सूजन, पेट में दर्द ,आंखों के नीचे सूजन ,शराब का सेवन, शरीर में पानी की कमी, दवा का लगातार सेवन लंबे समय से, मोटापा, नशा, किडनी स्टोन ,पीलिया, कुछ ऑटोइम्यून डिजीज कोई पारिवारिक किडनी फैलियर का इतिहास है तो आप ये टेस्ट करा सकते हैं


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